On this episode of the podcast Aaron, Brian, and I discuss a recent seminar we attended with Eddie Bravo. Eddie is a legend in the BJJ and MMA world so getting to spend some time learning his 10th Planet system was worth the 2 hour drive to Woodbridge, Va. You can hear all about it in the podcast below. Enjoy!
Oh, this was also Brian's first time introducing an podcast. Feel free to tell us (being as harsh as you like) at @TheJiujitsuGeek or e-mail jiujitsugeeks@gmail.com
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The JiujitsuGeeks Podcast Episode 13 / Eddie Bravo Seminar Review
The legend Eddie Bravo
E.T. getting some stuff signed by Eddie. I am one of those idiot fanboys. |
Not sure what I am trying to express to Eddie but I am just glad he did not choke me to shut me up. |